My name is Jack Ling, an aspiring young journalist based in Ascot, Berks. I created this Blog in an attempt to inflict my incessant need for a bit of a rant upon other members of the Football public.
This, I hasten to add, is no ordinary Blog. Being 15 years of age, my writing is inevitably tarnished by the occasional hormonal outburst that is triggered by the sheer passion I have about the current Footballing spectrum and the stories it conjures.
I analyse all of those stories that you just can't get your head around, such as the current Ricardo Izecson Kaka situation that is forcing the Football purists among us into spasms of discontent. (Yes, the current financial injection into Football is disillusioning me, but isn't it good that an astonishingly talented Brazilian playmaker may be playing in the Premier League come february?)
Last year, I created my own Football magazine too- called "LAP" (Life's A Pitch), and sold it in various shops around the Ascot/Sunninghill area. It was a futile attempt to disfigure the irritating fanaticism the area has with horses. I have instead turned to the internet, and Blogging is much cheaper than paying for my magazines to be printed.
I would finally like to add that I am a Newcastle United fanatic, and so please do not be deterred if I decide to write a couple of articles on the Toon once in a while.
Keep reading (Go on, save this in your favourites!)
Jack Ling, 15.
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Us Toon fans have a lot to rant about just now.
ReplyDeleteI have ALOT to say concerning Newcastle. Why Latvia?
ReplyDeleteNot the weather, that's for sure.
ReplyDeleteSomebody told me the beer was cheap. They were only half-right.